publications and literature contrary to the political and social system
radioactive material
Documentation Required
Information regarding Customs can be found in "Customs Requirements" of the Canada Postal Guide.
The following documentation may be required:
1) Certificate of Origin
2) Quality certificate
3) Certificate of Analysis
4) Purchasing Invoice/Contract
NOTE: All parcels mailed to Albania must include an invoice and a Certificate of Origin.
Commercial goods
Commercial goods must include an invoice, a Certificate of Origin, and the necessary permit.
Articles with a false declaration of contents are confiscated.
Legacy items
Items arising from a legacy must include an official legacy document.
Medicines for a sick person or family member must include an authorized medical report.
Customs procedures:
Each product must bear a description of the product in Albanian for foodstuffs, and in Greek, Italian or English for non-food products. It is obligatory to describe sanitary characteristics of food and medical products.